Proto Glow Champion Leopard3

Speed 7 / Glide 5 / Turn -2 / Fade 1
Proto Glow Champion Leopard3 Glow 166g
Glow 166g
Stock 1 products in stock
CHF 21.90
Proto Glow Champion Leopard3 Glow 171g
Glow 171g
Stock 1 products in stock
CHF 21.90
Proto Glow Champion Leopard3 Glow 173-175g
Glow 173-175g
Stock 1 products in stock
CHF 21.90


The Leopard3 has a nice controllable turn right out of the box. It can be thrown smooth for straighter shots, or harder for more turn. Adjusting the angle of release allows the Leopard3 to be an incredibly versatile fairway driver.

Meet Proto Glow Champion—the brightest, longest-lasting glow with Champion durability. Mako3, Leopard3, Valkyrie, Tern, and Shryke are making their Proto Glow Champion debut, so you’ll spot your throws easier in the dark than in daylight!