Proto Glow Champion Valkyrie

Speed 9 / Glide 4 / Turn -2 / Fade 2
Proto Glow Champion Valkyrie Glow 170g
Glow 170g
Stock 1 products in stock
CHF 21.90
Proto Glow Champion Valkyrie Glow 173-175g
Glow 173-175g
Stock 1 products in stock
CHF 21.90


Meet Proto Glow Champion—the brightest, longest-lasting glow with Champion durability. Mako3, Leopard3, Valkyrie, Tern, and Shryke are making their Proto Glow Champion debut, so you’ll spot your throws easier in the dark than in daylight! 

Fans of the Valkyrie know that this legendary disc is one of Innova's most versatile drivers. This disc is very accurate and is used by players with strong arms for turn-over and "S" curve shots. Heavier Valkyries are great into the wind and lighter models get extreme range downwind. This disc can also be used for forehand shots and as a roller. This is one of the best selling and most popular drivers of all time.